Unitron Model 530

5-inch Equatorial Refractor on Fixed Pier;  Complete with equatorial mounting and slow motion controls for both declination and right ascension, flexible cable for auxiliary R.A. control, provision for coupling clock drive or synchronous motor drive, setting circles with veniers, metal pier, Super rack and pinion focusing mechanism, 10x-40mm viewfinder, 75mm photographic guide telescope, 10 coated eyepieces, Model 220 Astro Camera complete, sun projecting screen set, sun glass filters, Hershel Wedge, erecting prism system, Super Unihex, Unibalance assembly, dewcap and dustcap with solar aperture diaphragm.

The following was provided by Will Thornton, the current owner of this Model 530: “According to the owner of Astromart it sat in a millionaries home for decades in Washington State near large picture windows and was used peering through them by the owner…it was always in the house and it shows it.  I’ll bet Hazel the maid had to dust it once a week as it dates probably from the 1970s and was clean when I got it…the only wooden case provided was for the tube assembly and it has 1778 on the front of it in bold metal numerals…don’t know if it means January 7, 1978 or what, but it’s surely not the 1778th one built.!”


Weight driven Clock Drive


OTA Wooden Case


Owner – Will Thornton


Owner: Will Thornton

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